Newly diagnosed: Tired, Hurting, and Confused


I was diagnosed with PsA 3 weeks ago. Just started cosentyx. This comes as quite a shock since I previously was diagnosed with RA.

My story started 7 years ago with bilateral hand pain. I saw a rheumatologist and was diagnosed with seronegative erosive RA. I have been on
cimzia (didn’t work), methotrexate (caused confusion), humira (worked great but after 3 years caused an MS-like reaction) and xeljanz (didn’t really help much except with fatigue).

My psoriatic arthritis diagnosis

Recently, I developed hip pain. The MRI found severe enthesopathy in all the tendons connecting my hip joint. Saw another rheumatologist and he said I did not have RA and that it was PsA. I have never had psoriasis but my daughter does. I was told one can have the arthritis form prior to the rashes. I was started on the cosentyx and lauflumide and on a slow prednisone taper. With the prednisone, I still can’t stand or walk for more than 5 min without severe pain. I started using crutches but then my hands flared.

Feeling scared and alone

From what I understand, with treatment, I will get a 20% improvement. Are you kidding? Is that all they have for us? I’m struggling at work. I’m only 46 and seriously considering applying for disability. I am so hopeful that this will improve more than that. If it worsens, I’ll be in a wheelchair. I thought RA was bad but now this. I don’t understand how it can just keep getting worse. I’m so scared and so alone. I don’t want to admit how scared I am to my family as I am the main provider.

Oh geez. I’m rambling. Thanks for allowing me to vent on here.

Trying to find the...
“Sunny side”

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