My rock

The first time I went to the doctor for pain I was 23. I remember waking up every morning wondering what was wrong. It felt like I had a super hard work out. Every morning I was so sore I started taking 800 mg of ibuprofen 2-3 times a day. Just so I could get out of bed and go to work. The first doctor did blood work and everything came back normal. He said he doesn't think it's anything and it's not worth any further testing. I was discouraged and thought maybe this is normal and I'm just being a big baby.
It took 13 years to finally get a diagnose of psoriatic arthritis. Over them 13 years I saw numerous doctors for different pains. My knees feetwrist hands hipsback and even a tmj specialist I had a mouth guard made cause they thought I grind my teeth. My face swells up. My hands feet knees hips back. I kept just thinking this was normal. I finally got diagnosed I was happy scared didn't know what was next. I was prescribed prednisone that causes me to gain weight along with Humira. The Humira helped I felt better than I ever had but I only got about 50% better. I still wake up sore and swollen but the pain is more manageable so now I'm getting ready to start Enbrel I hope this is the one I hope this makes me feel normal again if it's even possible to feel normal.

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