
Just diagnosed with PsA this last year about this time of year. I had just gotten out of the hospital for the fourth time for C.diff which turned out to be a lifelong ulcerative colitis diagnosis. My arms and legs were covered with spots of sores w/dead skin that itched and flaked. Toes were red and swollen and painful. I have to take vancomycin to keep the C.diff in check. My rheumatologist cannot give me any biologics or anything that has a side effect of diarrhea because of my C.diff!
I also have fibromyalgia, diabetes 2, CKD, hypothyroid and blood pressure issues. I tried Otezla but it has a side effect of diarrhea and it activated my C.diff again after about 14 days. Had to quit taking it! My rheumatologist has been out of office for 2 months - will see him again this month. Have an app to see a dermatologist soon now, too! Can't take anything for pain except for Tylenol. I've been dabbling in cannabis eatables and CBD. It works pretty good! Found I can't do a lot of walking or be as active as I want! My body just caves on me sometimes for days after I've been pretty busy just shopping for groceries even!!! Don't like this at all!!!

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