My psa story

My journey began 6 years ago when I was 20 years old. When I went to the doctors with a swollen toe, they initially thought I had gout. But after treatment for that didn’t work, I started looking into things myself. I have had psoriasis since I can remember and it all just seemed to make sense. So I went to the doctors again and asked whether this could be psoriatic arthritis. He agreed and sent me for blood tests, MRI, and X-rays, which confirmed my diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis!

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I found it very difficult to begin with and still have days where I feel isolated. The only way I can explain how I feel is like I’m grieving for the old me, the old life and the old body! I have great family support and a great set of friends, but yet I still feel so lonely most of the time. Although with the right treatment now I seem to be having more good days than bad 🤎

Do you have a story about living with psoriatic arthritis to share too?

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