A Year After Being Diagnosed

When I was diagnosed with PsA, I was both relieved and depressed. I didn't know how to balance my emotions.

Back story

I already suffered from psoriasis, for over ten years, and suffered from joint pain as well, or longer. I had also experienced great pain in my feet for years, and had been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. I also had a swollen pinky toe that I un-lovingly referred to as "my big fat little toe".

But when my fingers were permanently bent I knew something was wrong.

January 2016, I decided to see a doctor. This resulted in being prescribed Meloxicam and being sent on my way.

Two days later, I fell and injured my knee which resulted in ACL replacement surgery. While recovering and going to therapy, my physical therapist noticed my bent, swollen fingers and told me I definitely had arthritis and should see a rheumatologist.

When I finally got an appointment in October 2016, my doctor looked at my two pointer fingers,crooked and bent and horribly swollen, asked me if I had any psoriasis, then quickly told me I had PsA.


In the last year, we have fought with my insurance. I have been on Methotrexate, Otezla, Humira and now Stelara. The Otezla has by far worked the best but my insurance will not pay for it.

I have severe pain in my fingers, my entire feet, hips, shoulders, back and neck, elbows and of course, fatigue. Lots of fatigue. And all the other problems that come with PsA.

I try to push through daily. And, I do pretty well, after having slow mornings. Some days are better than others and some days are worse--far worse.

About once a month, I have what I call a blue day. This is the worst for me because I am an upbeat person. On blue days, I sit. That's about all I can do. I am numb in my senses other than the feeling-I am full of pain.

Having PsA is horrible but I know there are far worse things to have. I am a blessed person and I count my blessings. Most days.

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