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How To Buy A Mobility Aid When Insurance Won’t Cover It

Many of us who have psoriatic arthritis will find ourselves in need of a mobility aid at some point. Those who require the use of one full-time will most likely have most if not all of the cost covered by their insurance. Unfortunately, PsA is very unpredictable. Some days I need to use a wheelchair, others a walker, and sometimes I don’t need any assistance. My insurance wasn’t going to cover the cost for what they consider part-time needs. The sad part about that is without my mobility aids I would have missed out on so many outings and activities. The good news is there are options to get you what you need no matter what your budget.

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Low cost options

You don’t have to go broke or take out a loan to purchase a dependable mobility aid. Amazon offers a variety of walkers and wheelchairs at reasonable prices. I purchased my second wheelchair through them and only paid $160. You may find a used mobility aid for less on EBay, Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or thrift stores. Need help with the cost? Ask friends and family to donate towards the cost in lieu of a Christmas or birthday gift. PayPal offers a payment plan that may help as well.

Believe it or not there are a couple of no cost options as well. I received my first wheelchair for free from a church. They had a surplus of wheelchairs for members and guests to utilize. If your church doesn’t have any available or if you aren’t a member of one, ask family and friends if their church does. Another no cost option is to look on Craigslist. You never know what you will find for free there.

Don’t let your insurance company or lack of funds keep you from acquiring a mobility aid. I may not have the wheelchair of my dreams, but the one I do have makes dreams come true by making it possible for me to go out when my body won’t cooperate.

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