Filling in a puzzle with a different color piece to represent making a small change in life

PsA Advice: Small Changes Make A Big Difference

I have often said that the so-called small things in life are the most important. For truly the big things are nothing but accumulations of the small stuff. Bearing that in mind we can possibly bring about a big change in our life by changing lots of little things?

Counting the small things of psoriatic arthritis

Some days, facing big things can seem like a task too big for most of us. Heavens knows getting out of bed can be a challenge on a bad day. Over time, I have taken to making small changes in my life that have helped me deal with my psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

Nail psoriasis

To date, I have yet to find something that works for the symptoms of my nail psoriasis. I have tried and tested so many products and ideas. But let me tell you that this nail psoriasis is more stubborn than me on a bad day.

When you look at my nails they look terrible, they feel dirty even though they are super clean. So I have taken to painting them, this way they look pretty and I do not feel all the stares when people see my nails. Gel polish works a trick and lasts for some time. Voila, Problem solved.


Brain fog has just about stolen this joy for me. I really struggle to concentrate from page to page and have to go back and reread parts. Eventually, I am just so annoyed I put the book down. This for a person who would read a day away, without even blinking an eye. 

For the longest time, I have been rather upset about this and it was one of the things that were actually a big thing for me. Enter the small change to create a big difference. Audiobooks, the bonus you can listen to them anywhere and still submerge yourself in the world of the story. I find that they are easier to keep track of and can often help still the background noise in my mind.


So many of us know that losing a favorite hobby is a bit like losing a small part of your personality. With the restrictions of psoriasis, this can often prove to be the case. For me, I have learned to scale back what I do so as not to lose it totally. Instead of long hikes I now go on short walks.

I have found one or two new hobbies that fit in with my current ability too. There is a world of discovery awaiting you. I know that it is hard as you want to be as you were before, may this lessen the burden. If only for a while.

Be proud of the small stuff

Making small changes can often seem a bit like whispering against thunder. When you start adding all these small changes together and you see that by doing a little here and there. You are improving your quality of life and retaining a part of your person.

This in itself is a big thing, so be proud of the small accomplishments. For after all the small things are truly what create big things.

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