Creature Comforts

We all have things in life that we could not live without. Ok so that was possibly a bit dramatic. Allow me to rephrase - could survive without them. Living with them though makes our life that much easier. This is something unique and specific to each individual. We may look at the things that other people claim they could not function properly without and think it odd. That is okay, it is something that is unique to each person.

Mine mostly have to do with making my life with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis more bearable. There are one or two that purely make my life better. Things that feed my soul and in turn I believe deeply that it is good for my health on well being.  These are my three most important ones.

Eggshell mattress

I did not know what this was the first time I was asked if I had one. A friend of mine at the time mentioned that her mom who suffers from a type of arthritis uses it with great success. At first, I misunderstood and thought that she put egg shells on her mattress. Clearly, this made no sense, it took me a few days to sort this out in my head. How would you do this, can you imagine the mess? How would this work? Wait, stop this is not making any sense. Enter the sensible version of myself, who researches things.

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What it actually is, is a piece of foam that resembles an egg box. I slipped this between my mattress and sheet. My life changed. My body pain is so far from gone and most nights it is still pretty severe. However, it is so much better than what it was, I can now lay down for roughly five hours and not just three.

A reliable moisturizer

Once you have found an everyday moisturizer that is compatible with your skin type, you will understand the true value of this. After many many many years of searching and trying new products and them not agreeing with my skin, I finally hit the gold with this. I use a product called child’s farm for sensitive skin, it made quite a stir in the psoriasis community not so long ago. At the time though it was not available here, and my best friend (who is simply the best human I know) brought me some from the UK. Since then it has been made available to us at a reasonable price and I use it for everything. I find it works for me daily, it is not overpriced and just works with my skin.

Good shoes

Psoriatic arthritis makes the need for good shoes and slippers a must in my world. My feet ache terribly when I wake up in the mornings and when I am tired. Mind you some days they ache, well I guess just because that is what they do. Much to my aggravation I might add, I find sore feet to be one of the most painful things to deal with. I am often found muttering to myself while I walk, “my poor feet.” That being said, my memory foam slippers and a good pair of walking shoes are surely on my list of creature comforts.

Without these three things, my daily life would be much more challenging. I would be a dried out, grouchy zombie with a wobble in her walk.

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