Does Your PSA Feel Like You Are Riding a Ferris Wheel?
One of the good things about the holidays is watching all the movies. During one of these movies, people were riding a ferris wheel.
The title of the movie is not important. What is important is that it got me thinking of how living with psoriatic arthritis is like riding a Ferris wheel. Think about it. Up, down and around.
If you are newly diagnosed, this might not resonate with you as much. However, it may give you better insights into what most of us are dealing with.
In my case, I have had psoriatic arthritis for over 10 years now. Unfortunately, the arthritis has gotten worse. What started in my back has now progressed to my hips and knees. Riding a Ferris wheel explains the condition better than anything I can think of.
Riding the PsA Ferris wheel
Think about when you first get on the ferris wheel. You may be a little nervous about going up so high.
I’m sure being diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, you were nervous not fully knowing what the condition even is. I know I was. My fear of heights can also translate into the fear of not knowing what the rest of my life would look like.
Once the ride starts, you start to go up so each bench can be filled. It’s slow moving. Doesn’t that sound like us? Each time the wheel goes up, I contribute to another year of arthritis in us. The bench that you sit on will rock back and forth while you are riding.
That, to me, sounds like we are trying to deal with getting through each day. It goes forward, and things are good. It goes backward, and our bodies become a mess.
The inevitable downs
Once you reach the peak at the top, the next thing is to go down. DOWN! DOWN!
The more years you have psoriatic arthritis the more down you seem to have. One way it is down is it doesn’t just stop with one joint. Each year, the arthritis moves into other joints of the body.
Another way it turns downward is when we begin to age. Arthritis is a factor for those that age.
It becomes more of a factor when you start developing other kinds of arthritis as well. Another down also involves fatigue.
Going around and around
A Ferris wheel goes around and around. Psoriatic arthritis makes our body go around and around. You cannot get off the Ferris wheel unless the controller lets you off.
For psoriatic arthritis there is no getting off because there is no cure. Yes, we can take medicine that can help with it, but it is a lifelong condition. Another year, another turn of the wheel.
Up, down and around. Most people like to ride the Ferris wheel. I, on the other hand, do not. Maybe by making this comparison you will agree with me.
I want to be the controller so that I can stop it from going up, down, and around. In other words, I want to get off this ride and never get back on it. Do you agree?
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