Decades Of Pain Without The Correct Diagnosis
Since the age of 25, I have complained of lower back discomfort without receiving a clear diagnosis, despite my efforts to visit many doctors. The physicians in different doctor’s offices were unable to find anything that was causing the agony. I was given medication that relieved the discomfort for a short time before it returned within hours.
When I bend for too long to do a task, I started having hot-flushing discomfort, which would last for days before I can walk straight again. This was a sad time in my life.
My mornings during the winter season were more painful than the summer months. My lower back and hips would be stiff and severely painful. Just waking up and doing any chores was nearly impossible for me.
Finally getting a diagnosis
I had to persevere throughout my young adulthood as I tried to keep up with everyone else. I also had young kids at the time. I remember having a problem sitting for too long on the office chair when I got my first job. The sad part was that I would irritate my colleagues when I had to stand instead of sitting like everyone else was.
The hardest time occurred during pregnancy and when I gave birth to my first child and my back refused to work. When I couldn't pick up my child, I went to visit a doctor and clearly told my back pain was in my head. He said there was nothing wrong with me.
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View all responsesDecades later, I went to see a rheumatologist whom I believe was God sent. She was a good listener and understood what I was going through. She ran different tests on me and diagnosed me with psoriatic arthritis. This was decades later. This had a severe negative effect on my lower back joints and bones. My hip joints and lower back entirely failed and was causing me so much pain. My job had to make accommodations for me.
It still took a long time for find a good treatment
Despite being diagnosed with PsA it still took months to find the proper drug to relieve my pain. Some medications were causing me to have side effects. I've been on medication since then and am still trying to live my life normally. I am occasionally finding it difficult at times to cope.
PsA has changed a lot of things in my life. I was no longer able to run track, join the military or become a police officer. These were jobs I applied for and were turned down because of my illness. Over the years my joints have become very weak, crushing my aspirations of doing things I dream of doing. I was diagnosed with psoriasis at the age of 5, but my medical team never put PsO and PsA together. That’s another whole story having to deal with the patches over 80% of my body for decades. The itch has always been the worst.
I wish I had received a good diagnosis and medication from the onset of my problems. This would have prevented all the severe side effects and life disappointments I am currently experiencing. I just saw my rheumatologist a few days ago. I had to get 4 shots and was told I had inflammation all through my body. I refused to let this keep me down. I just turned 67. I will keep my head up and keep moving forward.
We are all in this together.
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