Can Cannabis Help With Psoriatic Arthritis?

I grew up in the ’60s and '70s, need I say more? Cannabis, also known as marijuana among other names, is a psychoactive drug from the cannabis plant used primarily for medical or recreational purposes. So much has changed over the years and some of these are good changes.

Some states have approved the use of cannabis for medical use. If it's not abused, good results can be seen in the treatment of pain. Marijuana is also used for other diseases. There are indications that they are effective, but does the plant also help with PsA?

Why cannabis for psoriastic arthritis?

So far, PsA no cure and it’s not easy to control. Research to date shows that marijuana can affect various aspects of this disease. This raises the question of whether the plant can be a possible alternative in this treatment.

Many may be familiar with the calming effects of cannabis, which also has a positive effect on stress. THC, the active ingredient in cannabis, has a direct impact on your stress level. Research also shows that small doses of THC reduce your stress, but that larger amounts can also have a negative effect.

The impact of cannabis on the immune system

Much more research is needed in this area, but studies suggest that cannabis can limit the severity of symptoms. This effect can also be used in many autoimmune diseases.

The cannabinoid plant can boost the immune system in this regard. So far, therapies at this point mostly focus on oral intake. However, there is also the possibility of applying cannabis to the skin, for example as an oil or cream. This would be great for psoriasis.

Which form of cannabis should I use?

Cannabis is used in medicine to suppress or control pain. It could also help with chronic pain, such as is present in psoriatic arthritis. Cannabis could be also effective in the basic treatment of acute pain.

Basically, cannabis can be used in various forms from oral ingestion to a local application. There is still a considerable need for scientific studies here. It is particularly interesting which form of use has the best possible effect. Cannabis can be used as a tincture or cream, tablet form, by evaporation or as an inhalant

Is cannabis the key?

The marijuana plants contain cannabinoids. Your body produces these in a slightly modified form. These play some important roles in your body and affect the following areas, among others:

  • Inflammation
  • Immunity or the immune system
  • Appetite
  • Mood
  • Reproduction

So, you see that endocannabinoids make a significant contribution to your body. Likewise, very similar cannabinoids could play an important role to fight the disease.

Cannabis has potential in psoriatic treatment

The lack of research to date is mainly due to the fact that marijuana is classified as an illegal drug in many places. Cannabis doesn’t have a good reputation everywhere, which could be changed later on.

Since there are many indications that cannabis can also have a positive effect on some diseases, further research is worthwhile.  Over time, it will become clear whether and how cannabis can really be used. Should you consider cannabis to treat your PsA? It all depends on where you live. Speak to your doctor.

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