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Secondary Sjorgen's

Question for those dealing with this - not confirmed yet but definitely have symptoms such as dry eyes, mouth, etc. and consistent swollen glands. I am on Hulio (Humira biosimilar) for PsA and was wondering what additional treatments anyone takes/does for Sjorgen's ? TIA

  1. Hi . I wish you didn't have to deal with Sjorgen's on top of all your PsA symptoms. There are medications your doctor can prescribe once you are diagnosed, such as cyclosporine or lifitegrast (eyes), or pilocarpine or cevimeline (mouth), but you can get over-the-counter relief now from lubricating eye drops and saliva producing swabs. I hope you are close to getting a diagnosis so you get get the appropriate treatment. Best wishes! - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Unfortunately Sjogrens is usually much more than dry eyes and mouth. Most of us deal with a lot.

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