A Long Journey

A Long Journey

For about four years now I have jumped from doctor to doctor trying to figure out why I was in pain. Nothing was showing up. I was tested for lupus and RA. They told me I had Fibro and I just could not accept that answer. I went to a pain specialist for the past two years and was on opiates for my pain. Luckily I didn't get addicted to it. At first pain med worked then they did not after a while. I was getting injections in my hip and in my back and then that no longer worked. I was starting to think I was crazy. Then I started getting really rough skin on my heels and my big toe. Also, I started getting lesions and peeling skin and small blisters on bottom of foot. This was very painful. My toenails started to be really brittle and then my fingernails started peeling and had very small indentions in them. I can't even explain the fatigue. No matter how much I sleep, I wake up feeling just as exhausted. I went to a dermatologist one day for my feet to see if it was fungus on my feet and they scraped and looked under microscope. It came back negative but now I was diagnosed with PsA. That was what was causing all the pain in my fingers, toes, wrists and even my plantar fascitis. He immediately put me on Humira. This drug has saved my life. I am not pain free. I still have some pain but the difference is huge. I still get tired a lot but not as much as I used to be. I hope this can help anyone else that had some of these symptoms.

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